First time Applicant
Adults 16 years or older.
Everyone applying for a passport must appear in person to process application.
1. Fill out Form DS-11 in black ink only or printed. Fill Out Form DS-11: Application For A U.S. Passport
2. Bring proof of U.S. citizenship original or certified birth certificate with raised seal or colored stamp or original naturalization papers. Submit Evidence of U.S. Citizenship
3. Identification - Alabama Drivers license or Alabama non drivers Id (If from another state bring another form of picture Id.) Present Identification
4. A 2x2 passport picture. This can be purchased at most photo department chain stores such as CVS or Wal-Mart. Provide One Passport Photo
5. Call for current fees.
Any one 15 years old or younger doing a first time passport application must appear in person with both parents listed on minor's birth certificate.
1. Fill out Form DS-11 black ink only or printed. Fill Out Form DS-11: Application For A U.S. Passport
2. Bring proof of U.S. citizenship can be, original or certified birth certificate with raised seal or colored stamp or original naturalization papers. Submit Evidence of U.S. Citizenship
3. Both parents must bring current Identification - Alabama Drivers license or Alabama non drivers Id (If from another state bring another form of picture Id.) Present Identification
4. A 2x2 passport picture. This can be purchased at most photo department chain stores such as CVS or Wal-Mart. Provide One Passport Photo
5. Call for current fees.
Adults needing to renew their passports will fill out the DS-82 in black ink only. Form DS-82
As long as the passport has not been expired more than 5 years. You will do this on your own. Just get a passport picture, make out your check the U.S. Department of State for the correct amount. Call for current fees. Place the old passport in the mailing envelope with the above items and take to your local post office to mail.
Minors needing to renew a passport must come to an acceptance facility with both parents listed on birth certificate and follow the same rules as a first time passports. Bring the old passport you will need the information on the passport to complete the DS-11.
Passport Card
A passport card may be used for travel outside the US by land or sea, but may not be used for air travel outside the country. The same documentation is required. Call for current fees.
For more information, visit here (here ) or call Jade M. Price, Blount County passport acceptance agent, at 205-973-0584 ext. 3118.